Scope Medical’s Laryngoscopes are designed for visualization of the vocal cords and for placement of the ETT into the trachea under direct vision. Laryngoscope
requires very deep anesthesia because it causes
very strong stimulation of physiologic respiratory,
and reflexes, cardiovascular, and neurologic adverse effects are also
possible. Laryngoscopes are
modified to optimize visualization of the vocal cords.
The blade of the laryngoscope is also made up of metal, although plastic
is also used today. The laryngoscope blade is
mainly designed to be placed into the patient's mouth to aid in the visualization
of the larynx. Small light bulb which illuminates the
laryngeal area is attached to the blade. There are two basic types of laryngoscope blades:
the curved blade (Macintosh) and the straight blade (Miller) blade. Each of
these blades is available in a variety of sizes.
A laryngoscope is consists of a handle, a blade, and a
light source. There are marked variations in blade shape, tip design, the
mechanism and location of illumination is the flange. The connection
between the laryngoscope
blade and handle causes the light to come on when the blade is opened. Blades
are usually designed to attach and detach from the handle with a standardized
fitting (that connects a hook on the blade to a small rod at the top of
the handle.
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